Tuesday, March 22, 2016


       In honor of Bertha's retirement (my current chair), and the arrival of my new chair (name TBD) I thought I would make a post about some of the pros and cons of being a wheelchair users along with some illustrious stories and bits-o-wisdom.
RIP Bertha Unkown-2016
Bertha fixed with 6 washers and a screw
    Thanks are also due to Bertha for she has taken me places that otherwise would have been out of reach, and allowed me to get one step closer to being a normal college student.
     A couple of days ago me and the boyfriend attempted to go visit the Air and Space Museum in DC. We drove and parked at the metro and metroed into DC. Someplace in the literal TWO blocks between the station and the museum, the screw that holds one of the small front wheels in disappeared. This means that the pin that goes through the wheel (essentially the axel) was not held in place. #howdoesthisevenhappen  (by the way this was Sunday....when it was snowing in March and cold as shit)  We had to call a Lyft driver, hope that they would have a car big enough to fit my chair, and get a ride to a hardware store a couple miles away (second time this has happened). Upon loading the chair, one of the spacers must have fallen out too. Thankfully the fellas at ACE Hardware in NW were happy to help us out. That being said, by the time this whole ordeal was over, the museum was closed so we headed back to VA. #wheelchairprobs


  1. Good parking spots
  2. Nobody looks at your butt...nobody can see your butt
  3. Your shoes stay clean and nice for way longer
  4. You can get places really fast (as long as its downhill/flat)
  5. People all of a sudden become more chivalrous 
  1. You're lower than everyone else
  2. You can't always reach top shelves in stores 
  3. Molehills really are mountains
  4. Sometimes even accessible places are stupidly unaccessible
  5. Clothes are not designed for the sitting figure